Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday November 15th

Here's how you will vote:
  1. Create a new post on your blog.
  2. Create a list of the top three people who's video you liked the best
  3. Include the following information:
    • Student's Name
    • Video Idea
    • Why you believe it is one of the best in the class
  4. Submit your post to your blog
Best videos:

  • Champale wiles: text book, it was lots of work and a very good idea
  • Katie Gemperli: drawing, it was interesting to see an interesting drawing being drawn
  • Osama Al-Haiki: hot air balloon, The pictures were well took and it was very steady to see it perfectly the way it went.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tuesday November 13

> How did you stop motion animation turn out? If you could give it a grade, what would you give it out of 60 points? What did you learn from creating this video?

I would give it probably a 58 because its cool. its a drawn animation. the pictures look nice. I'm also adding music. There all the things required from the rubric. I learned nothing because this was mostly review for me. I have done these things before.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday November 11th

How far along are you on your stop motion animation? What did you do over the weekend to work on you stop motion animation? Do you have all your pictures today? Will you have all your pictures by the end of the hour? Give me a detailed updated.

I am not even close to being done. I came up with ideas for a video i want to do now. I have no pictures to upload. No i will not have all my pictures by the end of the hour. I have no pictures what so ever i do have an idea but it will not be finished by the end of the hour.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday November 8th

What are you planning on doing for your stop-motion animation video? What story are you going to tell? How will your video be fun and different? Who is taking your photos? When are you taking your photos?

I plan on making a drawn stop motion that should look cool if it plays out the way it does in my mind. I am not going to tell a story this is just to display fun art work in motion. It will be fun because its always cool to pictures move. I will probably be taking the photos. I will take my photos over the weekend.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday November 6th

 What story will your storyboard tell? Explain in detail.

My story will tel of a boy a bully and a friendly passer by. One day a boy was walking through the halls. When a bully sees him coming and decides to do something.  The bully trips him. The boy hits the ground. Then a walking students comes over to help him up.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday November 4th

 What photo editing tool(s) have you used so far on your 5 photos project? Do you like the tool? Is it easy to use? Hard to use? What's good about it? Whats bad about it? Give a detailed review of the tool.

I have used pixlr the entire time. I like this tool because you don't have to know anything about it to work it easily. You can figure things out so this tool isn't hard to use. The good points about it that it gives tools that can change the entire picture with just one click. Pixlr is a online web tool that edits photos very easily. i recommend this to everybody that needs to edit a photo. You can easily edit a photo by cropping or just adding a filter. I like pixlr as one of my favorite editing tools.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday November 1st

What are the pros and cons to photo editing? What are some examples of when photo editing is fun and appropriate? When can photo editing be inappropriate or too much?

 The pros of photo editing is that you can change a photo to look the way you want it to and it will more likely appeal to more people. Many pictures of models are taken and then edited to look better than they already look or how ever they looked. Many scanned in pictures that are later edited with some sort of coloring tool and depending on how good the artist is they usually come out in cool highly detailed pictures. Many and all pictures can be edited and using inappropriate pictures this is a bad time to edit. The other time is when you try to over edit a picture.